

Integrated management

Our management tools enabling to effectively redistribute and optimize the volume of tasks, while retaining the functions of high-level control and making key decisions by the client. We provide a range of services from general project management to engineering, technical and logistical support, as well as implement turnkey projects under general contracting schemes, "Cost +", or "Open Book".

What do we offer

  • Integrated service for managing clients' infrastructure projects, exploration and development drilling programs
  • Support and implementation of laboratory operations
  • Conducting an independent expertise and market analysis within the framework of project cost formation
  • Development of packages of key project documentation, including plans and work programs
  • Performing independent audits of service organizations, offshore drilling rigs, as well as offshore project support vessels
  • Independent consulting in the field of risk management at implementation of projects, the formation of risk assessment maps and risk’s analysis
  • Consolidated service for the implementation of turnkey projects under general contracting schemes, "Cost +", or "Open Book"
  • Provision of duty dispatch services in the implementation of offshore drilling projects
  • Performance of all types of work involving offshore drilling rigs (Semi-Submersible Floating Drilling Rig (SSDR) / Jack-Up Drilling Rig (Jack-up))
  • Marine logistics services involving a specialized fleet
  • Provision of services of coastal cargo logistics and provision of storage areas
  • Providing a wide range of environmental services
  • Performing offshore exploration drilling
  • Performing offshore development drilling and development of offshore fields
  • Onshore wells and pad construction
  • Execution of field development works
  • Conducting complex offshore engineering surveys and surveying the wellheads of abandoned wells
  • Development of design documentation for offshore and onshore drilling
  • Implementation of projects for the construction of large infrastructure facilities

Typical tasks in the implementation of exploration projects

  • Geology of a potential deposit
  • Selection and control of offshore drilling rig preparation
  • Organization of logistics
  • Arrangement of permission documentation
  • Estimation of the geological potential of the structure (conducting field seismic surveys, data processing and interpretation, generalization of data, as well as the construction of a geological model, determination of the resource potential)
  • Identification of potential geological hazards and restrictions during well construction
  • Conducting engineering surveys on the site, carrying out researches
  • Selection of the drilling site considering the balance of maximum work safety and maximization of geological value
  • Formation of the geological task for the well, well design
  • Determining the scope of the minimum and maximum possible research program (LWD, coring, WL, VSP, Flow test and Formation test, Reservoir test, Well testing, etc.)
  • Defining the range of services required for drilling and well testing
  • Selection of the type and characteristics of drilling rig for given conditions
  • Inspection of drilling rig, determining and supporting the scope of preparatory works
  • Selection of contractors and suppliers, considering the criteria for technical equipment, competencies and experience
  • Conclusion of contracts taking into account the necessary benefits for the Customer, including the delineation of risks and responsibilities, determination of sanctions for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations, inclusion of obligations to provide information in a timely manner for decision-making, etc.
  • Selection of optimal equipment for oilfield services
  • Control of timely preparation and mobilization of service contractors for the drilling season, control of compliance of contractors with the requirements of maritime legislation and generally accepted practices for offshore operations
  • Ensuring awareness and coordination of service contractors in preparation for the drilling season
  • Monitoring the execution of operations by service contractors
  • Optimization of the program and cost of services during drilling, considering the operational situation
  • Calculation of infrastructure parameters for the deployment of a onshore support base (OSB), search for synergy with the existing infrastructure
  • Determination of the transport and logistics scheme for the movement of personnel, equipment, logistical resources: configuration of supply vessels (number, characteristics, functionality)
  • Determination and elaboration of the personnel delivery scheme
  • Determination and development of a scheme for the delivery of logistical resources (including dangerous goods) to onshore support base, drilling rig
  • Determination of the optimal characteristics of recycled cargo packaging for the use on onshore support base and drilling rig
  • Selection of the optimal scheme for the mobilization of ships and drilling rig, control of the output (positioning) of the offshore drilling rig to the drilling point
  • Selection of berths and onshore support base site, control of infrastructure preparation to the beginning of the season
  • Incoming control of the supply of materials and equipment to onshore support base
  • Organization of ship bunkering, drilling rig, maritime agency, duty dispatch service, operations support, organization of communications
  • Monitoring the receipt by contractors of the necessary documentation in accordance with the law
  • Identification of risks for personnel, property, fixed assets, coordination activities (Offshore Drilling Rig, Fleet, Onshore Support Base, Production and Consumption Waste Bases, Port)
  • Design solutions (Plan of Environmental Protection Measures, Civil Defence and Emergency Management, Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plan ), State Ecological Expertise
  • Determination of the rights to use a water object for the purposes of abstracting water resources (agreement) / discharges into water objects (decision), rationing, permission to discharge
  • Search for the optimal waste management scheme for the region, certification, rationing, obtaining limits
  • Determination of measures for the protection of the atmosphere, regulation
  • Implementation of compensatory measures for Aquatic Bioresources
  • Integrated monitoring and control of the state of the environment, including observation and study activities of the behavior of objects of the animal world
  • Modeling of calculated pH, analysis of the total environmental benefit, determination of the forces and means of rescue and salvage operations (RSO) and rescue and emergency readiness (RER)
  • Formation of the rules of interaction in the field of health, industrial safety and environmental protection of the customer group and contractors
  • Planning of medical evacuation, assistance, telemedicine, medical examinations of personnel
  • Control in the field of health, industrial safety and environmental protection


Individual approach

Formation of the most flexible and effective solutions for specific tasks and interests of clients


Availability of own fleet of offshore drilling rigs with crews for the implementation of offshore drilling projects


Services of a complex integrated service with the possibility of implementing turnkey projects